Nike’s Air Jordan 1 High Chicago is unarguably one of the best sneakers of time. However, it is also one of the most heavily counterfeit sneakers of the time too.
With the release of ‘The Last Dance’, the popular documentary from Netflix which covered the Chicago Bulls and the journey of Michael Jordan in the 90s’, Nike Air Jordan 1 high Chicago gained a lot of popularity. This is why it is much more important now to know how one can about whether or not the Air Jordan one owns is fake or real.
However, before getting to know it all, t is worth knowing how much of the problem is the counterfeit sneakers actually. It might be surprising but the answer to it is that the counterfeit sneaker market has been estimated of being worth $450 billion approx. Further, it has been estimated that Nike all alone is losing around 10% of its annual revenue to these counterfeit sneakers. Well, if that is the situation one can just wonder how much loss the companies are facing due to counterfeit Yeezy 350 Bone and other sneakers in the line.
The copies of sneakers have been popping up at all places nowadays. From eBay to the local sneaker stores, they are everywhere and it is becoming too difficult to know whether or not the pair is authentic. It is thankful that a company like Nike knows well how to execute excellence within the assembly line and due to this there are some of the typical identifiers and the standouts which allow us for spotting the real Air Jordan 1 High Chicago or Yeezy 350 Bone or any other sneakers that the sneakerheads are crazy about.
So, if you are one such sneakerhead, this is time for you to get an insight into how to separate the authentic and the fake sneakers. Keep reading ahead to know better.

How to tell if the Sneakers are Fake?
Look out for the price. If it is too good to be true, the sneakers are fake.
The Air Jordan wings logo is the other important factor to look for. If the logo is authentic, it should appear to be stamped in leather. The fake one actually look painted or too glossy. Apart from it, one must also look out for the unusual spacing.
There is a wavy font on the label that is inside the tongue and also the other label inconsistencies which one will be able to notice if looked at properly.
The heel strap stitch quality.
Whether or not they have the hourglass profile. If there isn’t a top-heavy silhouette on the shoe, the sneakers are fake and no further test will be required to be done.
The toes profile and whether the sneakers are bulky (they shouldn’t be bulky).
There should be pointed Nike swoosh.
Check perforations that are on the toe. See if it is punctured all the way through and then aligned with the other one.
Lookout for the Stars embossment.
How much would Air Jordan 1 High Chicago cost?
Make sure to do the market research. The price of Jordan varies and there are varied factors that are responsible for how much the sneakers pair might cost. Like, if one is paying the retail price at the store or is one paying the resale price from the reseller.
One great way to determine the ongoing rate for the sneaker will be to cross-check the price that is available through some of the trusted websites.
Final words
If you are not sure whether the Yeezy 350 Bone you are buying is fake or legit, make sure you do not make that purchase. If needed, make the purchase from the authorized Nike dealer or some of the well-known websites the Levitate Sneakers where one will be able to find a collection of authentic sneakers, handy. Further, you can even take reference by referring to the further guides we will be posting about different sneakers, so do not get scammed. Keep following for more.
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